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Tooth - Wikipedia A tooth (plural teeth) is a hard calcified structure found in the jaws (or mouths) of many vertebrates and used to break down food Some animals particularly Teeth (2007) - Rotten Tomatoes Critic Consensus: Smart original and horrifically funny Teeth puts a fresh feminist spin on horror movie tropes Teeth Videos View All Videos (2) Teeth Photos Your Teeth - KidsHealth-Teeth Tooth Talk Your teeth are great for chewing but you also need them to talk Different teeth work with your tongue and lips to help you form sounds Teeth - Anatomy Pictures and Information - InnerBody Full Teeth Description [Continued from above] Roots are tapered structures resembling the roots of plants and each tooth may have between one to three roots Teeth (2007) - IMDb Still a stranger to her own body a high school student discovers she has a physical advantage when she becomes the object of male violence Rated: R 94 minutes Human tooth - Wikipedia The human teeth function to mechanically break down items of food by cutting and crushing them in preparation for Wikimedia Commons has media related to Human tooth Picture of the Teeth - WebMD WebMD's Teeth Anatomy Page provides a detailed diagram and definition of the teeth inlcuding types names and parts of the teeth Teeth Define Teeth at Dictionarycom Teeth definition plural of tooth See more Dictionarycom; Word of the Day; Translate; Games; Blog; Thesauruscom; Favorites Dictionarycom; Thesauruscom; Bad Habits That Wreck Your Teeth - OnHealth Is chewing ice bad for your teeth? How do you avoid rotten teeth? Learn how chewing ice eating snacks teeth grinding and other habits can prevent you from attaining Teeth definition of teeth by Medical dictionary Looking for online definition of teeth in the Medical Dictionary? teeth explanation free What is teeth? Meaning of teeth medical term What does teeth mean?
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